Virginia Beach, Virginia
1213 Laskin Rd UNIT 207, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
(757) 204-1108
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Call (757) 204-1108 | 1213 Laskin Rd UNIT 207, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
1213 Laskin Rd UNIT 207, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

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Find Out Why Comfort Keepers In Home Elderly Care Is The Best Choice For Your Loved One Living In Virginia Beach, VA

For many people, it is not enough to simply find care for the essential tasks when the time comes for their elderly loved one to need a bit of extra help taking care of themselves or their home. They cared for you with love and tenderness and you would like them to have the same type of care. This means finding caregivers that would treat your parents with the same respect that you do, as well as finding an in home elderly care service that is committed not just to getting the job done but truly making a difference in your loved one’s life. Luckily, Comfort Keepers Home Care serving Virginia Beach, VA, and the surrounding area believes there is far more to senior care that carrying out a few tasks.

Give us a call at (757) 204-1108 to learn more!

Our caregivers see their job as far more than a just few chores, but a lasting commitment to helping your loved one be as happy and independent as possible. To do this we believe that we must forge relationships between our caregivers and our clients.

These deep bonds of trust and affection allow caregivers to become far more than housekeeping or aide. In fact, we like to call our caregivers “Comfort Keepers” since we believe this our mission, to bring comfort, and it interacts with your loved ones in a way that builds them up and helps them get the most from their life.

Let’s have a look at some of our most common in home elderly care services: 

In Home Care Services:

Companion Care- Stimulating seniors through good conversation and favored activities.

Personal Care- Dignified assistance with personal tasks like bathing, dressing, and grooming.

Respite Care- Support for familial caregivers so they can always be at their best.

Senior Transportation- Safe travel so seniors can make appointments, events, and errands.

Seniors & Technology- Pairing seniors with technology to keep them connected and informed.

Specialized Care Services:

24 Hour Care- Around-the-clock supervision and assistance within the home.

Dementia Care- Special care for seniors experiencing difficulties with cognitive decline.

End of Life Care- Essential care and support for seniors diagnosed with a limited life expectancy.

In-Facility Care- Providing services in assisted living facilities and anywhere else that's called home.

Post Hospital Care- Helping seniors recover and avoid re-admission after transitioning from hospital to home.

What Makes Our Care So Incredible? Interactive Caregiving! 

Anyone can come into your loved one’s home, do a few chores, help them with meals, and any other tasks they need help with. But it takes more than this to help seniors thrive. Study after study has shown that the seniors that thrive the most are those that stay physically, mentally, and socially engaged.

Caregivers are carefully chosen to match personalities and interests as much as possible. The idea is to forge relationships between caregivers and clients that can most benefit your loved one, and offer them the engagement that is often lacking in senior’s lives. Activity and engagement take many forms, depending on the clients’ interests and their health. It can be something as simple as looking at photos and reminiscing, or it can be a meal made together and shared. 

Additionally, each of our caregivers is a licensed driver and is more than happy to help your senior maintain their connection to the community by providing transportation if necessary. From attending a show at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts to taking a class at one of the Forever Young Senior Centers to simply kicking back on the beach and people watching, we can help your loved one do the things they love. 

If you would like to know more about Comfort Keepers Home Care serving Virginia Beach, VA, and the surrounding area, more about what makes our unique brand of in home elderly care the best in the business, or if you’re ready to schedule your free in home consultation, please contact us online or call us at (757) 204-1108. Our expert advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions about our customized care plans and how our caregivers can help make your loved one’s golden years shine even brighter. 

Contact Us Today!     (757) 204-1108