San Antonio, Texas
14310 Northbrook Dr #240, San Antonio, TX 78232
(210) 399-0202
Would you like to save San Antonio, Texas as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (210) 399-0202 | 14310 Northbrook Dr #240, San Antonio, Texas 78232
14310 Northbrook Dr #240, San Antonio, Texas 78232

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In Home Care Care from Comfort Keepers in Harlandale, TX

in-home-care-harlandale-txIf you are searching for quality in home care services for your aging loved one, look no further than Comfort Keepers of Harlandale, TX. Our highly trained, experienced caregivers are dedicated to providing every senior with compassionate, individualized care.

In home care aides assist senior citizens with daily tasks while promoting independence and helping them make the most out of the later years of life. They provide meaningful, one-on-one support and aim to build a strong bond between themselves and an elder.

In Home Care in Harlandale, TX

Our Comfort Keepers offer personal care services which consist of bathing and grooming, mobility assistance, feeding, transferring and positioning, and incontinence care. In addition, companionship care services such as meal preparation, laundry, light housekeeping, incidental transportation, and medication reminders are also available.

To provide our clients with the very best service, we conduct a comprehensive screening process. Each Harlandale caregiver is required to undergo a national and local background check and driving record investigation. In addition, we make it a priority to contact personal and professional references.

Once your senior opts for our in home care services, we will introduce him or her to a variety of caregivers so that he or she can select the one that fits best with his or her personality, interests, and lifestyle needs. Comfort Keepers of Harlandale, TX will do whatever it takes to ensure that your elderly loved one feels comfortable with the home care aide he or she selects.

In addition to helping your aging loved one find the right home care professional, we will conduct a thorough assessment of your elder’s needs so that we can create an individualized care plan that is ideal for his or her particular situation. During this time, we will also determine how often your senior may need home health care. A doctor’s recommendations as well as your personal suggestions and the preferences of your senior loved one will be taken into consideration when compiling a care plan. Care plans are flexible and reviewed on a bi-yearly basis to make sure your senior is satisfied with his or her amount and type of care.

If you have any questions about in home care services by Comfort Keepers in Harlandale, TX, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We will be more than happy to educate you further on our top-notch offerings for seniors.