Longview, Texas
1111 Judson Rd. #200, Longview, TX 75601
(903) 291-0111
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Call (903) 291-0111 | 1111 Judson Rd. #200, Longview, Texas 75601
1111 Judson Rd. #200, Longview, Texas 75601

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What To Expect From In Home Care In Lufkin, TX

Comfort Keepers offers in home care services in Lufkin and the surrounding area

If you are wondering what to expect from an in home care provider like Comfort Keepers who can take care of your senior loved one in the comfort of their home, it is best to set up an in home consultation with us.  Our goal is to offer assistance to seniors and allow them to continue to enjoy their life without having to move into a nursing home.  With senior care offered by Comfort Keepers, family members may come and visit anytime they want and enjoy the company of their senior loved one in a familiar location.  Our team of caregivers provide companionship, a wide range of care services, and a number of customized options in regards to senior care.

Some of the basic care options provided by our team of caregivers includes assistance with meal preparation, housekeeping, grooming services, laundry services, assistance with bathing, and mobility assistance.  We also assist with feeding responsibilities, encourage good oral hygiene, and are able to position seniors in a comfortable manner.  Since we are with a senior, we are able to help on an as needed basis and offer safety to your senior loved one.

Our goal is to keep clients as active as possible with our Interactive Caregiving services.  Since the focus is on our clients, we do what we can to keep them as active as possible.  From holding conversations to walking around the block with your senior loved one, we do what we can to encourage a high activity level and keep clients busy.  We take pride in making sure that our clients are having a good time, while receiving the necessary in home care they need.

One reason why many family members choose to work with Comfort Keepers is because we are able to vary our services and customize our in home care.  From offering respite care, to end of life care, and 24 hour caregiving services, we are able to cater to our client's needs.  If you are looking for certain services, please let us know and we will happily provide them.

Our team of caregivers offer transportation around the area in order to handle errands and bring seniors to desirable locations in the region.  This transportation service allows us to pick up the responsibility of traveling throughout the local region so family members don't have to go out of their way to do this.  We can bring seniors to doctor appointments, to the grocery store, to Angelina County Senior Citizens Center, and anywhere else a client wants to go in Lufkin, TX.

If you would like more information on the in home care provided by Comfort Keepers in Lufkin, TX, please contact us at (903) 291-0111.