North Augusta, South Carolina
511 West Ave, North Augusta, SC 29841
(803) 279-7100
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Call (803) 279-7100 | 511 West Ave, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841
511 West Ave, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841

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We create individualized plans of care for seniors based on their needs and personality.

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Comfort Keepers Dementia Care & Alzheimer’s Care Services In North Augusta, SC, Aiken, SC, Augusta GA, Evans, GA and the Surrounding Areas

Our Alzheimer's and dementia care services allows your loved one to remain in their own home

When a loved one gets a dementia diagnosis, it is important for you to know that you are not alone. We can help care for your loved one, providing you with all the support you need.

Caring for a loved one with any type of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, can be both physically and emotionally overwhelming. At Comfort Keepers, we understand how difficult it is for family caregivers to cope with the challenges of dementia and can help ease this tremendous burden.

In North Augusta, SC, our local office provides specialized dementia care services for seniors diagnosed with a progressive, incurable illness. Our caregivers received special training to help older adults with dementia, making sure their needs are always met.  

Our Comfort Keepers can help your loved one not just by assisting them with daily activities and tasks but also by engaging them in memory-boosting activities and providing them with specialized dementia care services that may slow down the progression of the disease.

What is Dementia Care?

In general, dementia is a decline in mental ability, such as memory loss or an inability to complete familiar tasks, serious enough to interfere with a person’s daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 50 to 80 percent of dementia cases. Our dementia care services help people with these symptoms by focusing on their remaining abilities and strengths, while assisting with tasks that have become difficult for the client to perform.

How Comfort Keepers Can Help

Our trained and experienced dementia care providers can help your loved one in many ways. Some of the services we offer for seniors with dementia in North Augusta, SC, include:

  • Making sure the client’s home is safe and hazard-free and maintaining a secure environment at all times.
  • Engaging the client in enjoyable activities that reduce anger and frustration and stimulate the senses at the same time, such as music.
  • Assisting with personal care, including bathing, grooming, and dressing
  • Assisting with homemaking tasks
  • Planning and preparing healthy meals
  • Supporting and comforting the client as they experience dementia-related changes
  • Supporting and guiding the family as the condition advances

Like with our other programs, our dementia care plans are all customizable to perfectly fit the unique needs of each client. Taking into account your loved one’s condition and their preferences, limitations, routine, and other factors, we will develop a personalized plan and schedule of care. All of our caregivers who provide dementia and Alzheimer's care are specially train and continue their training. This way, you are assured your loved one is getting the best, most innovative care. Having your loved one remain at home can actually prevent the diagnosis from furthering. This is because a familiar surrounding is helpful and comforting, and can hopefully aide in jogging their memory. In the event this isn't the case, we can offer our services for just a few hours per week or on a 24/7 basis. Once you are happy with the plan of care, we will identify the best, most compatible caregiver for your loved one, ensuring a smooth transition into care. In the case of 24/7 care, we match clients with several care providers who work in shifts.

Please give us a call today at (803) 279-7100 to learn more about how we can help your family or schedule your free in-home consultation.