Elderly Home Care Services & Solutions in Sunbury, Selinsgrove, & Lewisburg PA
Now seniors and their families have choices
right at home
There is nothing wrong with having to admit you are no longer quite as spry as you used to be. It happens to just about everyone at some point in time. The only thing wrong with it is when you don't do something to make your situation any better. At Comfort Keepers, we understand why you may not have wanted to make contact with an elderly home care services agency in Selinsgrove, PA. For some, it is the idea of having a stranger come to their home; for others, it is the thought that they are admitting failure (which certainly is NOT the case); and for others, it may simply be they think they have it all under control.
Give us a call at (570) 884-8040 to learn more!
No matter what the reason you have been avoiding outside care for yourself, maybe its time you talk to one of our senior advisors and find out what you've been missing out on. We know how hard it can be to accept help from strangers, but it won't take long before your caregiver will become one of your best friends. Our caregivers are not just there to take care of the chores and provide a range of personal care services. To be sure, they offer one of the largest selections of homemaking and personal care services for seniors in the country. But our caregivers offer one more very special service, one we like to think of as unique.
Our Services Included Interactive Caregiving
What do we mean when we talk about "Interactive Caregiving®?" Put quite simply, our goal and that of our caregivers is to keep you as involved in your care as much as you want to be and are able to do. This allows them to spend more time interacting with you. There is time for meaningful and enjoyable conversation, to spend with you on hobbies or working on things like crafting or puzzling. We want you to come to think of our caregivers as part of your extended family. This is what true elderly home care services should be like and what we at Comfort Keepers have to offer.
Learn All About
If you are ready to learn more about what our agency has to offer, contact us anytime at (570) 884-8040. We have a team of senior advisors on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to answer your questions and schedule your free care consultation with your personal senior advisor. Their job is to talk to you about your needs, wants, and concerns and then work with you to develop an elderly home care services plan that meets all of this and more.