Ardmore, Pennsylvania
326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, PA 19003
(610) 632-5260
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Call (610) 632-5260 | 326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003
326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003

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Media In-home Care Services

 Located within Delaware County, Media, Pennsylvania is a town 13 miles from the city of Philadelphia and is known for being “Everybody’s Hometown.” Media was given its name from being the county seat holder within Delaware County. The borough of Media was established due to the division of Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1789 and the eastern half becoming Delaware County. The original land of Media was established by the combining of four farms coming together as one, totaling in all 480 acres, and the borders of the borough have stayed the same since. In 1854, Philadelphia reached out to Media and built a railroad line through the borough leading to more foot traffic and as many as 50 trains passing through the town limits. With SEPTA Rail through the middle of Media, Interstate 476, and the Philadelphia National Airport within 15 miles there are numerous ways of traveling to this town for all it has to offer.

Give us a call at (610) 632-5260 to learn more!

While in Media Enjoy the Range of Activities the Town has to Offer

  • Rose Tree Park: A park that once was used for steeplechase racing is available to the public welcoming to all ages including multiple hiking trails, picnic spots, an outside amphitheater and three historical buildings.  
  • The Media Theatre: Come to enjoy an evening after dinner for a show at the local theater in town with a range of classics for everyone.
  • Providence Friends Meeting House: Explore a historical piece of town that is a historic Quaker meeting house and still is active as a place of worship.
  • Linvilla Orchards: Depending on the season in which you are traveling, Linvilla Orchards is a fun time for the whole family to go apple picking in the fields with an on-site petting zoo and playground and food stands made locally.
  • Delaware County Institute of Science: Located right next to Baltimore Ave. This is a perfect spot to go for a rainy day. The institute is composed of a museum and a library both related to the history of Pennsylvania and the town itself. If you’re lucky, you may catch one of the monthly lectures held in the Winter!
  • State Street: Travel down one of the busiest roads in Media, either by foot or car, to a plethora of restaurants to eat, places to shop, and town retail shops.

 To get to multiple of these locations, you may need a car but can walk to a handful from one to another if the weather permits!


The Borough of Media has an average of a little more than 5,000 inhabitants with 15% of that being senior citizens. Estimated around 40% of that population are in their mid-40’s with a family. The primary demographic is Caucasian or African American. Most individuals take about 25 minutes to travel to work and utilize the Regional Rail system or a car. Though you could be able to walk by foot or ride a bike to different locations when there is bad weather or snow most people use a vehicle.

Comfort Keepers in the Area

Here at Comfort Keepers of Springfield and Delaware County, we give care to your loved senior citizens, while not having to leave the town you love dearly. Our team and caregivers work together to provide the best quality care and safety to those who may need some extra help re-adjusting to living at home or need assisted care around the house to perform everyday tasks. The services in which we provide range from transitioning from hospitalization back into the house to in-home care. Our comfort keepers are here to ensure your senior citizen’s happiness and quality of life while still being involved in the community of Media! For more information or questions, please contact us at (610) 632-5260.

In Home Care Services:

Companion Care- Stimulating seniors through good conversation and favored activities.

Personal Care- Dignified assistance with personal tasks like bathing, dressing, and grooming.

Respite Care- Support for familial caregivers so they can always be at their best.

Senior Transportation- Safe travel so seniors can make appointments, events, and errands.

Seniors & Technology- Pairing seniors with technology to keep them connected and informed.

Specialized Care Services:

24 Hour Care- Around-the-clock supervision and assistance within the home.

Dementia Care- Special care for seniors experiencing difficulties with cognitive decline.

End of Life Care- Essential care and support for seniors diagnosed with a limited life expectancy.

In-Facility Care- Providing services in assisted living facilities and anywhere else that's called home.

Post Hospital Care- Helping seniors recover and avoid re-admission after transitioning from hospital to home.

Scott P. Reviews Comfort Keepers

Media Senior Caregivers

I really wish I had words for how much Comfort Keepers means to me and my family since they all took such great care of my dad when he needed some extra help around the house.. They truly were the helping hand we needed and to the perfect extent! Thank you everyone! 

Contact Us Today!     (610) 632-5260