Ardmore, Pennsylvania
326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, PA 19003
(610) 632-5260
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Call (610) 632-5260 | 326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003
326 W Lancaster Avenue 1st Floor, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003

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Darby In-Home Care Services

 Located in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Darby is a small town with access to both big-city excitement and suburban serenity. At about 8 miles and a 30-minute drive from Center City on I-95 S, Darby has easy access to all the excitement, culture, and opportunities of Philadelphia, one of America’s most populous cities. As of the 2010 census, Darby is home to approximately 10,000 people, and boasts a wide variety of businesses and parks, as well as a close proximity to many other colleges and businesses. At five square miles, Darby is a cozy town out of the way of the big city.

Give us a call at (610) 632-5260 to learn more!

Of course, there are plenty of things to do in Darby, whether you are a visitor or a long-term resident. 

  • Bookworms can enjoy the Darby Free Library. As it was founded in 1753, the Darby Free Library remains one of the oldest libraries in the United States and frequently displays books from its original collection. In 2018, the Library will celebrate its 275th anniversary. 
  • History buffs can visit the Darby Friends Cemetery and Burial Ground. John Blunston donated several acres of land to the town in 1687, making this cemetery over 300 years old. According to Darby historians, this burial ground is the oldest cemetery in continuous use in the entire state of Pennsylvania. 
  • Play games and exercise at the Darby Borough Recreation Center!

History of Darby Borough

In addition to its diverse economy, population, and convenient proximity to the city, Darby has a rich colonial history. Though it was settled and inhabited by Quakers in 1654, Darby was not officially incorporated until May 3, 1853. Unsurprisingly, Darby derives its name from the English city Derby and the county town of Derbyshire, the origin of many of its original colonists. Indeed, the town is full of historic landmarks, including the fifth-oldest all-volunteer Fire Department. 

How We Can help

In Home Care Services:

Companion Care- Stimulating seniors through good conversation and favored activities.

Personal Care- Dignified assistance with personal tasks like bathing, dressing, and grooming.

Respite Care- Support for familial caregivers so they can always be at their best.

Senior Transportation- Safe travel so seniors can make appointments, events, and errands.

Seniors & Technology- Pairing seniors with technology to keep them connected and informed.

Specialized Care Services:

24 Hour Care- Around-the-clock supervision and assistance within the home.

Dementia Care- Special care for seniors experiencing difficulties with cognitive decline.

End of Life Care- Essential care and support for seniors diagnosed with a limited life expectancy.

In-Facility Care- Providing services in assisted living facilities and anywhere else that's called home.

Post Hospital Care- Helping seniors recover and avoid re-admission after transitioning from hospital to home.

Halley Gram Reviews Comfort Keepers

Darby Senior Caregivers

My father was taken care of better than I could have ever! Trying out the services Comfort Keepers offered was one of the best decisions I have made for my father so far!

Contact Us Today!     (610) 632-5260