Tulsa, Oklahoma
10810 E 45th St #310, Tulsa, OK 74146
(918) 493-2100
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Call (918) 493-2100 | 10810 E 45th St #310, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146
10810 E 45th St #310, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146

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In-Home Care from Comfort Keepers in Tulsa County, OK

Comfort Keepers offers exceptional in-home care in Tulsa County and the surrounding areas.

If you are looking for an in-home care provider, look no further than Comfort Keepers, as we offer a wide range of services that are able to keep your senior loved one occupied and taken care of.  In addition to regular services that allow a senior to live in their house as long as possible, like help with bathing and meal preparation, our team of caregivers focuses on improving life quality.  In order to do this, we offer Interactive Caregiving, respite care, end of life care, and are able to take care of those with debilitating conditions.

Interactive Caregiving is something that Comfort Keepers prides ourselves on, as we are able to give seniors something to do at any given time.  With Interactive Caregiving, the focus is on mental activity, physical activity, and socializing.  With this service, seniors have something to think about, move around regularly, and communicate with others who have similar interests.  In conjunction with the transportation service that our team of caregivers offers, we are able to make sure that seniors can move around freely throughout the community in order to do what they want to do.

Comfort Keepers is able to handle certain responsibilities that family members would otherwise have to take care of.  Our caregivers are able to bring your senior loved one to doctor appointments and regularly bring clients to Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa County, OK.  In addition, Comfort Keepers focuses on having fun by bringing clients to the park so they are able to take in the scenery and enjoy their golden years.

Our team of caregivers from Comfort Keepers offers respite care, meaning that we can provide in-home care to relieve primary family caregivers.  Simply call us up or set up a schedule so we can come in handle the in-home care responsibilities and give you a break.

We realize that taking care of seniors who are at the end of their life is a challenge for many family members so Comfort Keepers offers end of life care.  Our caregivers are able to assist with bathing, offer incontinence care, assist with meal preparation, and are able to help clients who have problems moving around.  Our end of life care ensures that your senior loved one will be able to stay in the comfort of their own home.

 If you would like to learn more about the in-home care services provided by Comfort Keepers in Tulsa County, OK, please give us a call at (918) 493-2100.