Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2601 Northwest Expy #107W, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 753-6802
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Legal Considerations

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Senior At Home Care Legal Considerations In Oklahoma City, OK

Find out more about important legal issues for seniors and their families

As many health and senior at-home care professionals can tell you, it is better to plan in advance and address important legal issues before a health crisis arises. Entire families are often caught off guard when a loved one suddenly falls ill. In this situation, when your loved one’s wellbeing is your number one priority, whether they have named a health care proxy or made a living will may not seem so important. However, not having or not knowing where to find these legal documents can cause many problems.

This is why your loved one may want to consider gathering legal and financial documentation as soon as possible. These documents include birth certificate, social security records, life insurance information, policy numbers, Medicare documents, bank statements and mortgage papers. It is also vital to keep them in a safe but easily accessible place.

Your loved one may also want to make medical and financial powers of attorney, a living will, a HIPAA authorization or a living trust. With a living will, your loved one can put into writing their wishes about the kind of care they want to receive in case they become unable to communicate those wishes. This document can be revoked or changed at any time.

With a health care proxy, your loved one can appoint someone they trust to make all the decisions regarding health care in their name in case they are unable to make them themselves. With a durable power of attorney for finances, you will have permission to manage your loved one’s financial affairs. Health information and records are private and unless your loved one authorizes someone to receive this information, it is illegal for doctors to share any details about their medical condition. That is why having HIPAA authorization is important. Senior at home care professionals in Oklahoma City highly recommend having these discussions with your loved one and coming to a 

For more information about legal documents for seniors, please contact Comfort Keepers senior at home care of Oklahoma City, OK.