Fargo, North Dakota
1205 4th Ave S #2, Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 237-0004
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Call (701) 237-0004 | 1205 4th Ave S #2, Fargo, North Dakota 58103
1205 4th Ave S #2, Fargo, North Dakota 58103

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Vision Loss

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Fargo, North Dakota.

Your Eyes: More Than Just The Window To Your Soul

There are many changes that come with growing older, but vision loss or impairment can be one of the scariest. Many seniors will experience some type of vision loss, with the most common being Age-related Macular Degeneration, or AMD. AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in seniors age 50 and over! 

However, while vision loss may be frightening, there are steps that seniors and their loved ones can take to combat AMD and other eye conditions.

Don't Lose Sight Of Your Eye Health

For most of us, our sight is crucial to how we navigate the world, so it makes sense that we should do what we can to protect it. In order to help, we’ve put together a list of five habits you can start practicing today that can help protect the health of your eyes! 

  • Don’t smoke. Multiple studies have demonstrated a two-and-half to threefold increase in the risk of AMD among smokers.
  • Exercise regularly, which research has found can help to decrease odds for developing AMD.
  • Eat dark, leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, which are high in antioxidants that can help to reduce the progression of macular degeneration.
  • Wear sunglasses outdoors that block UV and blue-ray light, the type of sunlight that may cause eye damage. 
  • Take antioxidant vitamins and minerals (following a physician-prescribed regimen), which have been linked to lower risks of advanced AMD development.

Please, be sure to speak with your eye doctor about any family history of vision loss or AMD so you can be tested for the condition. 

Interactive Caregiving™: The Comfort Keepers® Difference

When you choose to work with Comfort Keepers®, you’re choosing the best possible home care for your loved one. Our goal is to provide seniors with as much support as they need to live happily, safely, and independently within their own homes, rather than in “the home”. 

One of the ways we accomplish this is with our unique approach to care called Interactive Caregiving™ which means that your senior will be supported mentally, physically, and socially. Our caregivers work with the seniors they care for in order to ensure they are eating nutritious meals that are still tasty, are following doctor prescribed care plans or diets, and are spending time doing the things they enjoy. 

As a special note for seniors who are unable to drive due to AMD or vision impairment, each of our caregivers is a licensed driver and are able to provide transportation to important doctor appointments, special events like classes at the local senior center, visits to family or friends, or anywhere else they need to go.

If you’d like to learn more about how seniors can protect the health of their eyes, how our caregivers are the best in the industry, or if you’d like to schedule your free in home consultation, please contact us online anytime or call us at (701) 297-2431.