Toms River, New Jersey
600 Mule Rd #6, Toms River, NJ 08757
(732) 557-0010
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Call (732) 557-0010 | 600 Mule Rd #6, Toms River, New Jersey 08757
600 Mule Rd #6, Toms River, New Jersey 08757

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Around The Clock Senior Care In Whiting, NJ

Comfort Keepers Serves Whiting, NJ, residents, as well as the inhabitants of surrounding areas, providing the best senior care available.

senior-home-care_whiting-njIf your parent or grandparent lives in Whiting, NJ, and needs any type of senior care, Comfort Keepers of Toms River, NJ, is ready to provide them with all the assistance and support they need. Whether your loved one requires nonstop care or just someone who can help them out a few times a week, our team of dedicated caregivers, or Comfort Keepers, has their back.

You no longer have to worry constantly that your loved one is lonely or that they are not properly dressed for the weather outside. The top priorities of our care providers is to make sure that your parent or grandparent remains healthy, happy, and safe at all times. Senior care was developed with the intention of enabling seniors to age with grace and dignity, which Comfort Keepers have been helping with for quite some time. With Comfort Keepers in Whiting, NJ, you can be certain that your loved one will not only receive exceptional care but also maintain their independence.

Additionally, we here at Comfort Keepers in Whiting, NJ, believe that caregiving is more than just helping seniors with personal care or housekeeping. One of the most important aspects of senior care is to encourage seniors to stay involved in their community, spend time with their friends, engage in physical activity, and continue to learn and grow.

Our Comfort Keepers in Whiting, NJ, will create a unique home care plan for your loved one, taking into account their health, physical limitations, the size of their home, and any special requests. They will then provide their services to your parent or grandparent in accordance with that plan. Another important thing to keep in mind is that senior care also entails transportation, meaning that whenever your loved one wants to go for a walk in the local park or have lunch at their favorite restaurant, their care provider will drive them to and from their desired destination and provide companionship if needed.

Whatever your loved one wants to do, we can make it happen. To learn more, contact us today.


Lynn S. Reviews Comfort Keepers

"We contacted many agencies (5 or so) and Comfort Keepers of Toms River was about $60 more per day for a live-in. Our caregiver, Gale was definitely qualified and committed to keeping my mom as comfortable as possible. She also tried to keep my dad in mind as well. She seemed to really connect with our family. We shared our lives with her and she with us. She truly cared for our mom while on hospice."