In-Home Senior Care in Southern New Jersey

Call for a Virtual or In-Home Assessment
Families are often in a tough position when their aging parents start to have trouble with daily life tasks. Most people don’t want to consider putting their loved ones in an assisted living facility or a full-time nursing home, and most seniors would prefer to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Comfort Keepers provides families with senior care at home in South Jersey, so your aging loved ones can continue with their independent lifestyle in their own home. Our team strives to offer consistent, reliable, and caring services to our senior clients and their families.
Senior Care at Home for Your Loved One
When you find yourself having to choose the type of care your aging loved one needs, it’s important to consider your family's and the loved one’s needs. You should consider your loved one’s preferences for their care and their future. Families may look at different care options, such as hospitals, nursing homes, senior living centers, or enabling their loved one to age in place. Aging in place, where your loved one stays in their home, tends to be the preferred option for most seniors, and if you partner with Comfort Keepers, you can rest assured that your loved one will be well taken care of.
Aging in place allows seniors to avoid the nursing home option when they have trouble with mobility or their routine. When your relatives get older, they may need more outside support to continue living in their home. With Comfort Keepers, our team of caring caregivers helps them stay on their own and lets them keep their independence by giving seniors the best in-home care possible.
Services from Comfort Keepers
Seniors in southern New Jersey have some options when it comes to senior care at home. Comfort Keepers is dedicated to being the top provider of in-home senior care and prides itself on our comprehensive services for our clients and their families. Our focus is on providing services to support our senior clients and their families. Here is a list of the services we most commonly offer to clients:
Senior Transportation - A big part of staying independent is being able to go wherever you want when you want. Comfort Keepers provides senior transportation options as part of our in-home care plans to take your loved one to stores, doctor’s offices, and to see friends and family.
Companion Care - In this country, 27% of adults over the age of 60 live alone, according to the Pew Research Center. We provide companionship for lonely seniors. When family and friends are busy or at work, our companion care providers are there for your senior loved ones.
Grooming Assistance - It may get more difficult to perform grooming tasks as people age, such as brushing hair, putting on makeup, brushing teeth, flossing, shaving, and getting dressed. We provide personal care services that include grooming assistance and reminders for your loved one’s personal hygiene routine.
Housework Help - Taking care of a beloved family home may be tough with aching joints and tired feet. Comfort Keepers helps clients with light housekeeping tasks around the home. This includes dusting, vacuuming, wiping, mopping, and sweeping. We will also tidy bathrooms and kitchens.
Medication Reminders - Aging seniors may have a complicated and extensive medication routine. Taking the wrong medication or forgetting to take medicine could lead to serious problems. Our team of caregivers is able to offer medication organization and reminders to make life easier at this stage.
Incontinence Assistance - Seniors struggling with incontinence would benefit from our services with toileting. We can make a plan for daily hygiene for toileting while also maintaining your loved one’s privacy and dignity.
Grocery Shopping and Errands - If your aging loved ones need help with grocery shopping and running errands, let us take on the job. We help with regular grocery shopping so your loved one is always stocked up with the essentials.
Safety Care - Safety may become more of an issue in the home as people get older. Our company offers safety care assessments and makes recommendations for changes in the home to improve safety.
Technology Support - Technology and communication today may be daunting for some seniors. Comfort Keepers helps aging individuals navigate the internet, mobile phones, and other devices so they stay connected.
Meal Prep - Seniors have unique nutritional needs to help them maintain a healthy body and mind. Our staff offers meal prep services to support families and their loved ones.
Specialized Senior Care
Additionally, Comfort Keepers offers specialized senior care for our clients in South Jersey. Specialized care services may be offered alongside our standard services or added later as needed. We know that your loved one’s life situation and physical needs may change, so we are here to help.
In-Facility Care - If your loved one is already placed in a full-time nursing home facility, Comfort Keepers provides additional care support. Our in-facility care services provide the same level of comfort as our in-home senior care.
24-Hour Care - Sometimes, your loved ones may need someone around for the entire day, including overnight. With our 24-hour care options, families get peace of mind that someone is with their loved ones around the clock.
Post-Hospital Care - After a hospital visit, your loved one may need temporary extra support as they heal. Comfort Keepers offers post-hospital support services as your loved one recovers from an illness, surgery, or injury.
Respite Care - We also offer respite care for situations when the regular caregiver isn’t available. If a family member acts as the full-time caregiver, you can use our team to help fill in when they need a break.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care - Clients with Alzheimer’s or dementia may have unique needs that go beyond our standard menu of care services. Let us work with your family to create an individual plan of care for your loved one to support their memory and ensure they get their needs met.
Why Choose In-Home Senior Care in Southern New Jersey
There are several reasons to consider senior care at home instead of other eldercare options. If you talk to your aging loved ones, be sure to get their opinions on their care if possible. Most people prefer to stay in their homes rather than make a major move or change in their lifestyle.. Here are some benefits that are associated with in-home care for aging seniors:
Freedom - The reason why seniors may prefer in-home care is that they get more freedom to live their lives. At a nursing facility, they may have a specific routine that is dictated by the facility. They may also have to downsize considerably to accommodate a move to an assisted living center or nursing home facility. Moving to a facility is also far less comfortable than being allowed to remain in their home.
Happiness - Giving your loved ones the option to age in place and remain in their family home may help with their mood and overall happiness. When they are surrounded by the comfort of their belongings and family pictures, they may be more content as they age.
Family - Family gets much more freedom when their senior loved ones continue to live at home. Family members are able to assist with caring for them at any time with at-home senior care services. They also can spend time with them whenever they want and avoid regulations like visiting hours at a nursing home.
Design Your Own Senior Care
Comfort Keepers allows clients and their families to assist in designing their own individualized care for their needs. Many of our services are provided à la carte, allowing you to create your own menu of services you need for your loved one. We know needs periodically change, so you can choose to add services or remove options you don’t need over time.
Additionally, when the time comes to prepare for the final stage, our team is there. We offer end-of-life care for clients and their families. We know that families need support and consistency during this difficult time period.
Your Family Matters With Comfort Keepers
We offer kindness, empathy, and a commitment to our clients’ needs at Comfort Keepers. Our team stands out among other providers due to our excellence in staff recruitment, selection, and training. We don’t use outside contractors or outsource our care. Instead, we put our employees through a rigorous screening process so families can trust our team.
Comfort Keepers recruits caregivers who demonstrate exemplary levels of compassion and consistency. Then, we conduct thorough background checks and additional vetting to ensure our caregivers meet our standard of excellence. Our training process prepares our staff members for assistance with daily tasks for independent living. We then work to match individual caregivers with seniors based on compatibility and personality.
Learn More About Our Senior Care at Home
If you want to know more about how we could help your loved one and your family with senior care at home in southern New Jersey, contact us. Call us at (609) 277-7855 or contact us online to schedule a consultation so we can learn about your needs. We will work with your loved one and your family to create a care plan that helps them live independently in their home for as long as possible.