Closter, New Jersey
491 Closter Dock Rd, Closter, NJ 07624
(201) 784-6200
Would you like to save Closter, New Jersey as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (201) 784-6200 | 491 Closter Dock Rd, Closter, New Jersey 07624
491 Closter Dock Rd, Closter, New Jersey 07624

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Englewood, NJ

As the heart of Bergen County’s arts and entertainment area, Englewood offers a shopping and dining destination.

Comfort Keepers® can provide assistance visiting the local bagel shops, bakeries, neighborhood stores, and Baumgart’s Café and Soda Fountain in the heart of downtown. Steven, Connie, and Amy can provide you with custom plan of services and activities available in the Englewood, NJ area.

Call them at (201) 784-6200 to find out how they can help.