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How To Get A Job As A CNA With No Experience

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Nisswa, Minnesota.

Whether the job market is booming or bleak, getting a job as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) with no experience can be difficult. But, there are ways around it, if you know how to be persistent, concentrate on the unique things you can bring to the table, and take advantage of any educational experience you can.

Let’s take a deeper look at how to get a job as a CNA with no experience.

How To Get A Job As A CNA With No Experience

woman nurse attention gesture. woman nurse attention gesture. Pop art retro vector illustration kitsch vintage. woman nurse attention gestureImage licensed by Ingram Image and Stock Photo Secrets

1. No Experience? Think About Your Unique Qualities

We’ve already established you have no experience. None. But, what do you have? Chutzpah. You want the job, and you’re willing to dig deep to get it.

That is one of your unique qualities. You’re tenacious.

You have other unique qualities too which apply to being a CNA, and you need to identify them and be ready to talk about them in an interview and write about them on your application or cover letter.

For instance, part of being a CNA is having the physical strength to help patients sit, stand, get dressed, etc. Are you a gym rat? Did you grow up running through the woods or streets with the best of them? Love to run or swim? Show off your physical prowess and other qualities, letting the hiring manager know you mean business.

2. Find Education - Some Offer It Free

You’ll need to get some education to be a CNA, and some employers offer it for free. In fact, at Comfort Keepers, you can get free tuition to attend Scrubs Academy with a guaranteed job on the other side. Check out their free CNA Training program here.

3. Be Persistent - Apply, Apply, Apply

Don’t give up. Show off your tenacity by continuing to apply. Being a CNA is a tough job - there is turnover. Eventually, if you persist, you will be offered an interview.

Be sure to work on #1 and #2 on this list first, but being comfortable with multiple applications is an important part of trying to get any job in our online world.

Check Out Our Free CNA Training Program