Nisswa, Minnesota
24142 Smiley Rd, Nisswa, MN 56468
(218) 822-3200
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24142 Smiley Rd, Nisswa, Minnesota 56468

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3 Best Job Settings For CNAs

Working as a CNA is extremely rewarding. After you’ve finished your training - whether through a traditional college program, the Red Cross, or guaranteed job CNA training like that offered through - you can choose from a variety of job opportunities. But what are the best job settings for CNAs in Minnesota? We’ve definitively ranked them, from the bottom to the top!

3 Best Job Settings For CNAs

3. Local Hospital

Getting a job at a local hospital can be difficult - nurses tend to stick in these roles for a long time, making job openings scarce and the application process long and grueling.

While local hospital jobs can be good for CNAs, they can also require specialization in different areas you may or may not enjoy. This can be great - or not so great - depending on your goals.

2. Assisted Living Facility

Getting a CNA position at an assisted living facility can be great! You get to work with elderly patients who really need you for certain specific tasks, such as dressing, or feeding, or medicine distribution, etc.

There are definite pros and cons to working at an assisted living facility. But, it can serve as a nice stepping stone, as they are fairly easy jobs to get into.

1. Home Health Aide Agency

Our number one choice for best job settings for CNAs is of course a home health aide agency, just like us at Comfort Keepers!

With an amazing patient ratio, real relationships to build, good pay, and a great educational program like Scrubs Academy that leads right to in-demand jobs, joining a home health aide agency is a great choice for your job setting as a CNA! 

And if you already have the education in place, we have CNA jobs ready for you today!