Traverse City, Michigan
1755 Barlow St, Traverse City, MI 49686
(231) 222-5376
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1755 Barlow St, Traverse City, Michigan 49686

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Family Communication from a Distance

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Traverse City, Michigan.

Family Communication from a Distance

Many of us have family members spread across the country and world. Even if you live close by, busy lives can make getting together difficult. Communicating across generations also creates unique challenges. Many technologies in use today were not designed for older adults and can cause frustration.

We know that loneliness increases the risk of high blood pressure, depression, and even the ability to think clearly so staying in touch with the people you care is important.

One solution we’re excited about is the grandPad, an easy to use tablet that makes keeping connected effortless, fun, and secure. Video chatting is as easy as the push of a button. You can record voicemails, share photographs and a lot more. In addition to the grandPad, new technologies, programs and apps are being created every day to make keeping in touch easier.

Scheduling regular phone calls has benefits too. Our loved ones know they can count us, they look forward to the conversations—and that improves overall health and wellbeing.

Of course, using the old-fashioned mail is very much appreciated by the generations that grew up writing letters. Print photographs, send them to your loved ones and talk about them over the phone.

Put some thought into what kind of communication plan will work for you and your family. It’s proven to have a big impact on staying happy and healthy.