Clinton Twp, Michigan
42621 Garfield Rd #101b, Clinton Twp, MI 48038
(586) 200-6712
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Call (586) 200-6712 | 42621 Garfield Rd #101b, Clinton Twp, Michigan 48038
42621 Garfield Rd #101b, Clinton Twp, Michigan 48038

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Loving Senior Care You Can Customize in Shelby Township & Utica, MI

From Dependable Senior Care Providers You Can Trust

As we get older there are certain things we do every day that begin to become difficult, or even unsafe, depending on the task. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone in your loved one’s home who can help do the once easy things, while making sure he or she can remain as independent as possible? The answer to this question is yes, and Comfort Keepers serving Shelby Township & Utica, MI is here to do just that. Our agency prides itself in being able to provide loving senior care to those who need it 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The services we offer are broad and encompass a variety of needs, such as respite care and transitional care, dementia care, and Alzheimer’s care. We also provide a long list of personal care services that meet a person’s daily needs for their body, mind, and soul.

Give us a call at (586) 200-6712 to learn more!

In-Home Care Services:

Companion Care- Stimulating seniors through good conversation and favored activities.

Personal Care- Dignified assistance with personal tasks like bathing, dressing, and grooming.

Respite Care- Support for familial caregivers so they can always be at their best.

Senior Transportation- Safe travel so seniors can make appointments, events, and errands.

Seniors & Technology- Pairing seniors with technology to keep them connected and informed.

Specialized Care Services:

24 Hour Care- Around-the-clock supervision and assistance within the home.

Dementia Care- Special care for seniors experiencing difficulties with cognitive decline.

End-of-Life Care- Essential care and support for seniors diagnosed with a limited life expectancy.

In-Facility Care- Providing services in assisted living facilities and anywhere else that's called home.

Post-Hospital Care- Helping seniors recover and avoid re-admission after transitioning from hospital to home.

We take a great deal of pride in making sure our clients are getting the kind of care they can benefit from while making sure their needs are met completely. To ensure your family gets the most from our senior care, we start by figuring out what types of things your loved one needs help with most.

While the services we provide are important, we believe that the companionship we offer is the most valuable kind of care that you or your loved one can receive. We can accompany clients to the Shelby Township Senior Center so they can socialize and make new friends. A care provider may encourage a walk in a more social atmosphere such as Lakeside Mall where clients can people-watch and participate in what is happening in the community. In addition to that, we are here to make sure that clients are keeping up with doctor’s appointments and any prescriptions they may need.

Contact Us Today!     (586) 200-6712