Comfort Keepers Reviews in Terre Haute
From seniors to their families to our support team and caregivers, we have an incredible network of exceptionally caring people who chose Comfort Keepers. Read more about what people are saying about Comfort Keepers in reviews for our in-home care, employment, and local franchise ownership.
"We love Comfort Keepers and couldn't do without their help."
"My husband would have had to go to a nursing home if it were not for Comfort Keepers. I just love the caregiver we have."
"I am grateful for my caregiver, and glad that I am able to have the same caregiver every time."
"I am happy knowing that someone will be here so I can run out and do shopping and not have to have Mae alone."
"I think they are great, and would recommend them to others because they work with you and are flexible, excellent caregivers."
"I am very pleased. They are always willing to work around your schedule."
"My caregiver does everything I need and I love to visit with her also. We have a lot of fun together."