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9 Statistics Everyone Should Know About Alzheimer’s Disease

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Logansport, Indiana.

Alzheimer’s disease is often misunderstood. Here are 9 statistics about the disease that everyone should know. 

Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of Dementia, is a progressive disease that can cause memory loss, confusion, problems with speech and writing, and other cognitive declines. Every year, new research comes out about Alzheimer’s and its effects on those suffering from it. Below are 15 statistics about Alzheimer's. If you are a family caregiver in Logansport, IN or the surrounding area providing support for a senior dealing with Alzheimer's disease, Comfort Keepers can help! Here are 4 tips for caring for someone with Alzheimer's

9 Statistics about Alzheimer's

  1. More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's. By 2050, this number is projected to rise to almost 13 million.

  2. More than 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other forms of Dementia. 

  3. The number of people living with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age 65. 

  4. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States. 

  5. The global cost of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is estimated to be $605 billion, which is equivalent to one percent of the entire world’s gross domestic product. 

  6. Out of the approximately 50 million people worldwide with dementia, between 60% and 70% are estimated to have Alzheimer's disease.

  7. Anyone can get Alzheimer’s disease but certain people are at higher risk for it. This includes people over age 65 and those with a family history of the condition.

  8. Someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds. By 2050 this is projected to be every 33 seconds.

  9. 200,000 people under age 65 have early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.