Comfort Keepers Safety Care Products

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Home Monitoring Systems
Home monitoring systems from Comfort Keepers are an excellent method of safeguarding your loved one's safety while you're gone. These alert systems can assist your senior loved ones in remaining secure and independent in their homes.
Medication Safety and Management
For elderly persons who live alone, medication management is a significant concern. Seniors who take many prescriptions during the day are more likely to forget to take a dose or take the incorrect one. Seniors can retain their independence and quality of life by working with a caregiver or using Comfort Keepers' medication management tools.
Personal Emergency Response Systems
We recognize the difficulties families face when dealing with the aging of a loved one. It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain independence when mobility declines with age. Seniors are safer achieving their goals by using a basic medical alert system. Comfort Keepers highly recommend SafetyChoice's Personal Emergency Response Systems because of the following: (PERS). These devices allow you to call for aid quickly, easily, and safely in an emergency.
Safety Accessories
Comfort Keepers provides many accessories to improve your Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)'s functioning. The options include extra pendants, lock boxes, and home security checks.