Port Orange, Florida
3959 S Nova Rd STE 26, Port Orange, FL 32127
(386) 322-8882
Would you like to save Port Orange, Florida as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (386) 322-8882 | 3959 S Nova Rd STE 26, Port Orange, Florida 32127
3959 S Nova Rd STE 26, Port Orange, Florida 32127

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Trusted In-Home Senior Care Serving Port Orange

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care of Port Orange.

Comfort Keepers of Port Orange, FL Testimonials 

What people are saying about Comfort Keepers of Port Orange, FL and the surrounding area

Hundreds of people every day discover the exceptional brand of in-home care provided by Comfort Keepers of Port Orange, FL—from seniors and their families to the exceptionally caring people who discover Comfort Keepers and choose to become a Comfort Keeper caregiver themselves.

Dear Brenda and Mr. Auker,

I know of no other companies regarding their employees with such kindness, support that isn't regulated or mandated, monetary support, proof of their care gifted monetarily too! I am so very thankful to work for You, so in awe of who You are any calendar day!

Thank You for keeping me and Thank You for Your gift of vacation pay too!  

Your integrity is an unexpected yet sought for proof of Hope in an otherwise questionable value of worldliness to all employees and clients and in my forever, will be remembered and embraced in unmerited Grace!

Thank You

Tracey Anderson

We want to thank the professional staff at Comfort Keepers for the amazing job you are doing looking out for and caring for our parents. Liz, you are an Angel. Our Parents absolutely love you. You are so sweet, kind and patient.

Robin D.

The Comfort Keepers caregiver with office coordination was able to discern that my father was having a medical crisis which necessitated immediate medical intervention. His condition was able to be resolved successfully with a hospitalization. The Comfort Keepers caregiver displayed caring, compassion and competence. Due to this, we are considering an increase in hours/services, for our peace of mind, since I reside out of state.


We would and have recommended Comfort Keepers because they truly do care about each and every client. They are always asking if any additional help is needed and always go above and beyond in all services.


I think Comfort Keepers is a fine organization that provides excellent caregiving services with very capable personnel. My wife has Alzheimer's Comfort Keepers has provided caregivers for her for over 3 years. The aides are very concerned and caring and have become part of our