Lady Lake, Florida
785 CR 466, Lady Lake, FL 32159
(352) 720-8870
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785 CR 466, Lady Lake, Florida 32159

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Comfort Keepers In Home Care in Mount Plymouth, FL

Do you think that your senior loved one could benefit from in-home care services provided by Comfort Keepers? Look no further than our local office in Mount Plymouth, FL

When it comes time for you to locate an in-home care team to provide care for your loved one, you may be nervous about the decision. This is natural, especially since you will be handing the caregiver role over to someone else. You want to make sure that the caregiver assigned to your loved one is able to provide him or her with the care that is needed in an efficient and responsible manner. It is not easy to watch as your loved one’s health declines or their mental abilities are lessened, but when this does happen, you need to have a conversation with them about their living situation. This can lead to an argument or two as your loved one probably does not want to give up their independent living situation. With the help of Comfort Keepers in-home care in Mount Plymouth, they will not have to.

Our team of home care providers offers you a wide range of services that allow your loved one to age in place peacefully. They can continue to perform their own tasks and live day to day, but when they need help, it will be there. For example, our team is able to provide transportation services around town. Whether your loved one needs to go to the doctor or to the grocery store, we will be able to take them.

While we do offer transportation services, that is not the only thing we offer. We also offer meal preparation and cooking, medication reminders, bathing services, companionship services, and more.

Our in-home care providers do believe it is vital that your loved one receives the care he or she needs. In Mount Plymouth, there are many physical activities that can be performed from walking to swimming and more. Some of the locals’ favorite spots include Oak Haven Farms where your loved one can pick some fresh strawberries, experience nature, and take a tractor ride. Another wonderful activity nearby is the Rock Springs Run Trail Rides. If your loved one likes horses, it can be therapeutic for them to brush their mane or even ride on their backs. With the help of one of our companions, your loved one will be able to do this.

If you would like to learn more about how the Comfort Keepers in-home care team in Mount Plymouth can help your loved one, do not hesitate to give our office a call now. We are committed to helping your parents age in place and remain as independent as possible.