Westport, Connecticut
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, CT 06880
(203) 924-4949
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Comfort Keepers of Westport, Connecticut solely provides non-medical care.
Call (203) 924-4949 | 181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880

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TECHNO STRESS - Coping With Technology and Keeping Sane

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Westport, Connecticut.

July 3, 2018    by Dennis Patouhas

Coping with technology today has become more and more stressful. Cell phones, probably the biggest threat to our sanity are invasive. We can't go anywhere without them and they always seem to jump into our hands. We can stick them in a drawer, turn them off, but at what cost? This entertaining interview with a noted psychologist discusses the problem and solutions, with good ideas and some laughter too. 

Fight or flight is in all of us and serves a very useful purpose when it kicks in at the right time. What happens when it kicks in and doesn’t stop?

Techno Stress is a term that best describes the way we seem to be living our lives today. Rather than being the masters of our machines and devices, too often we become their slaves.

There are techniques to help manage this dilemma, like better time management. But what happens when you are not the one in control? With an insatiable appetite for instant information and response, we often put undue pressure on ourselves and others to the point that it will and does effect our health.
