Westport, Connecticut
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, CT 06880
(203) 924-4949
Would you like to save Westport, Connecticut as your Comfort Keepers location?
Comfort Keepers of Westport, Connecticut solely provides non-medical care.
Call (203) 924-4949 | 181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880
181 Post Rd W #17, Westport, Connecticut 06880

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Specialized Care
We create individualized plans of care for seniors based on their needs and personality.

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End-of-life Care Services in Westport palliative carepalliative care

Personal Care Assistance

Our trained caregivers provide sensitive and respectful assistance with personal hygiene, bathing, grooming, and dressing. We prioritize maintaining the individual's comfort and dignity throughout these activities.

Companionship and Emotional Support

Having someone to talk to and share experiences with during the end-of-life journey can be immensely comforting. Our caregivers offer compassionate companionship, engaging in meaningful conversations, providing a listening ear, and offering emotional support to both the individual and their loved ones.

Medication Management

Our experienced caregivers are trained to assist with medication reminders and ensure that the individual's medications are taken correctly and on schedule. This helps manage pain, discomfort, and any other symptoms that may arise during this time.

Comforting Meal Preparation

Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining strength and overall well-being. Our caregivers prepare and serve nutritious meals tailored to meet the dietary needs and preferences of the individual. We consider any restrictions or special requirements to ensure their comfort and satisfaction.

Light Housekeeping

A clean and tidy living environment contributes to the comfort and well-being of the individual and their family. Our caregivers provide light housekeeping services, including dusting, vacuuming, and maintaining a safe living space to create a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere.

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Individuals may require increased assistance with daily activities as the end-of-life journey progresses. Our caregivers offer support with ADLs such as toileting, mobility, transferring, and positioning. We aim to minimize discomfort and enhance their quality of life during this time.

Respite Care for Family Members

Caring for a loved one during end-of-life care can be physically and emotionally demanding. Our respite care services allow family members to take breaks and attend to their self-care needs, knowing their loved one is in capable and compassionate hands.

Communication and Coordination

We understand the importance of clear and effective communication between all parties involved in end-of-life care. Our caregivers can assist in communicating with healthcare professionals, hospice providers, and other care team members to ensure that the individual's needs are comprehensively met.