Shelton, Connecticut
500 Howe Ave #200, Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 924-4949
Would you like to save Shelton, Connecticut as your Comfort Keepers location?
Comfort Keepers of Shelton, Connecticut solely provides non-medical care.
Call (203) 924-4949 | 500 Howe Ave #200, Shelton, Connecticut 06484
500 Howe Ave #200, Shelton, Connecticut 06484

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Comfort Keepers offers professional home care to Ridgefield, CT

Seniors can receive the care and assistance they need right in the comfort of home

Coming to terms with the fact that your parent may need some help around the house and may need assistance caring for themselves can be difficult. However, what many people don't realize is that home care is not a sign of your loved one's decline, for a caregiver can help them live in independent and long life.

As a person ages, it is natural that they require more help from their loved ones. Your busy life and schedule may not be allowing you to keep up when your parent's needs, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Senior home care is here to help you keep up with anything your loved one may need.

There are a few simple telltale symptoms that may indicate your senior loved one could benefit from a caregiver:


This is a common symptom among people who may need senior home care. If you have noticed that your parent has been forgetful, or that they may be getting lost more frequently, it may be time to start thinking about hiring a caregiver.

Confusion or Aggression

Another subtle, yet common sign that it may be a good idea to start thinking about senior in home care is if your loved one has grown more aggressive recently. Aggression can be difficult and tricky for family members to handle, and sometimes it is best to let a professional get involved.

Frequent Accidents

Accidents are also something to watch out for, particularly because they can be detrimental to your loved one's health. Falls are very common among seniors, and their bodies may not be so well equipped with recovering from them.

Your parent's health may be getting worse, and having a caregiver there could help increase their overall quality of life. Senior in home care professionals can help manage their medication and therapy, making sure they stay on track. Caregivers will also help your loved one with any personal care issues they may be having, making sure they stay as healthy as possible.

To find out more about senior home care options offered by Comfort Keepers in Ridgefield, CT, give us a call at (203) 924-4949. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may be having.