Madison, Connecticut
150 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT 06443
(203) 493-7564
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Comfort Keepers of Madison, Connecticut solely provides non-medical care.
Call (203) 493-7564 | 150 Boston Post Road, Madison, Connecticut 06443
150 Boston Post Road, Madison, Connecticut 06443

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10 Signs Your Loved Ones May Need Home Care

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Madison, Connecticut.

10 Signs Your Family Member Might Need Home Care in Madison, CT

Your parents and or other loved ones may gradually show indications of aging, making it difficult to determine whether they require home care services. Excess trips to the restroom regularly, abrupt weight loss, and forgetfulness are all red signals. Please let us know if you notice any of these signs in your parents or other loved ones. Even if they cannot perform the tasks they once did, they will most likely tell you that nothing is wrong and that they are OK.

It can be challenging for anyone (especially a parent) to admit they require assistance. As a result, you must watch for warning indicators that your parents may need assistance before a minor health problem worsens into a severe disaster.

Ten Signs That Your Elderly Family Member May Require Home Care

  1. Changes in eating patterns may result in weight loss, reduced hunger, or a lack of meals.
  2. Neglecting personal hygiene, which includes clothing, body odor, dental health, nails, and skincare
  3. Home lacks sanitation or they are struggling with personal hygiene
  4. Misbehaving or being different than usual, such as being overly loud, quiet, anxious, or agitated, or making phone calls at inconvenient times
  5. Friends and neighbors are concerned about altered social patterns
  6. For example, bruises could result from weakness, carelessness, or excessive alcohol or medicine usage.
  7. Lack of participation in previously joyful activities, such as book club, dinner with friends, or religious services, is being reduced or discontinued.
  8. Unopened mail, newspaper stacks, empty medicines, and missed appointments are all expected outcomes of forgetfulness
  9. Poor financial management, such as neglecting to pay bills on time, making multiple payments, or concealing funds
  10. A purchasing anomaly would be entering a vast number of contests or increasing purchases as a result of television advertisements

You and your family can get through this challenging time with the help of Comfort Keepers! Each senior has distinct needs, and we attempt to address them while also assisting them in making the most of their time. Don't hesitate to contact us as soon as possible to learn more about our senior care services! (203) 493-7564