Grand Junction, Colorado
514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, CO 81501
(970) 241-8818
Would you like to save Grand Junction, Colorado as your Comfort Keepers location?
Call (970) 241-8818 | 514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501
514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

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National Day of Joy

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Comfort Keepers in Grand Junction, CO Brings Joy to Local Seniors

On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, we celebrated the National Day of Joy by bringing joy to local assisted living facilities! We delivered gift bags, flowers, and ice cream sandwiches to help the residents and caregivers get through the hot weather in Grand Junction!