Grand Junction, Colorado
514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, CO 81501
(970) 241-8818
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Call (970) 241-8818 | 514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501
514 28 1/4 Rd Ste 5, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

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We create individualized plans of care for seniors based on their needs and personality.

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At Home Private Duty Nursing Services in Grand Junction, CO

Comfort Keepers provides private duty nursing services in the comfort of home in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, the Redlands, and surrounding areas

The aim of private duty nursing care is to give your elderly loved one the assistance needed to lead a fulfilling, healthy, and comfortable life at home. When a person reaches an older age, the level and variety of care that they require might exceed what is possible for caregivers to provide, which is why we provide private duty nurses who visit clients' homes to administer medication and provide other medical care.

What is Private Duty Nursing?

Private duty nurses, as opposed to traditional in-home care services, provide one-on-one medical care. They are qualified to provide this care in the patient's own home, as well as in a facility such as a hospital or nursing home. They can provide advanced care while collaborating with the family. Our goal is to provide our clients with the customized care they require from a single source.

Next-Level Care for Your Family Member

We hire highly trained, qualified staff to provide specialized care. Our private duty nurses are either licensed practical nurses (LPNs) or Registered Nurses (RNs).

And, our nurses can work in conjunction with traditional in-home caregivers to provide the same uplifting care services that make Comfort Keepers a provider of choice. We believe that every client, no matter their age or acuity, can experience more connection, purpose and hope with quality care from a Comfort Keepers care team.

Private duty nursing providers are highly trained and certified to perform the following advanced medical tasks:

  • Oral medication setup
  • Administer medication including injections, eye drops, inhalants, and oral medications
  • Monitoring heart rate and oxygen levels
  • Ostomy and catheter hygiene
  • Removal/replacement of aseptic dressings
  • Skin management, skin condition monitoring, and wound care
  • Oral cavity suctioning and tube feeding
  • Bowel care
  • Core training for family members
  • General health assessments and care coordination
  • Insulin syringe filling

We Also Offer Skilled Nursing Care

Skilled nursing care refers to a patient's need for medical treatment or care that can only be administered by a licensed nurse or other licensed healthcare professional. Typically, this type of care is provided by a home healthcare agency, an assisted living community with a nurse on staff, or a skilled nursing facility with 24-hour nursing care.

Skilled nursing care involves trained professionals administering care services due to injury or illness; these can include:

  • Post-operative wound care and complex wound dressings
  • Dispensing and monitoring intravenous medications
  • Intramuscular injections
  • Catheter, incontinence, and colostomy care
  • Diabetic management
  • Assistance with the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  • Blood transfusions
  • Monitoring of vital signs and medical equipment
  • Physical therapy to help with strength and balance issues after hip replacement
  • Speech therapy to help with communication following a stroke
  • Occupational therapy to help a patient become independent again by restoring the ability to dress, groom, or feed themselves.
  • Pharmaceutical, laboratory, and radiology services
  • Rapidly changing health status

Get In Touch With Us Today!

Comfort Keepers in Grand Junction, CO provides in home care that makes a difference in the lives of seniors and other adults. For over twenty years, clients and their families have entrusted their care to us in hundreds of local communities. Whether personal care services or private duty nursing services, we provide the support and services that help to ensure the best care solutions for your loved one. Call us today at (970) 232-2165 or click one of the buttons to get started!