Pleasant Hill, California
391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 574-8546
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391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, California 94523

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Starting The Conversation

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Pleasant Hill, California.

Starting the Elder Services Conversation With Your Loved One in Walnut Creek, CA 

Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA discuss how you and your family can start the elder services conversation with your senior loved one

Discussing the fact that they may need elder services with your loved one can be a difficult conversation to have. However, no matter how uncomfortable it is, it is important you have it. A caregiver can help significantly improve your loved one's quality of life and you owe it to them to help them make the most of their Golden Years.

Comfort Keepers has been providing seniors across the country with quality elder services for two decades now. Over those years, and through endless conversations with our clients and their loved ones, we have come up with a few tips that may make speaking with your loved one less challenging:

  • Timing is Everything - It is important that you approach the subject at just the right time. Make sure your loved one is comfortable and not agitated. However, do not make this an excuse to bring up the conversation when it is too late.
  • Location Matters - We all have our safe spaces. Make sure your loved one is somewhere they feel safe when you bring up this sensitive issue.
  • Choose a Leader - It may be a good idea to pick one person in your family to bring up the topic. This can be someone that is closes to your loved one or is simply the "best talker."
  • Support is Imperative - Being there for your loved one is the most important thing, no matter what decision they make or how they react to you bringing up senior care.
  • Gather Information - Be as informed as you can about elder care services before broaching the subject. We can help you learn about senior care and answer any questions you may have about your loved one's particular case. Do not hesitate to give us a call. Our friendly representatives are standing by.