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Signs Of Fraud Against Seniors

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Pleasant Hill, California.

Elderly Health Care: Signs Of Fraud You Should Keep An Eye On in Walnut Creek, CA

Our elderly health care professionals recommend these steps to avoid fraud in Walnut Creek, CA

Your loved one has worked all their life so they could enjoy their retirement, so it is safe to say they wouldn’t like to be a victim of con artists. Many scammers target seniors these days and take their money in various ways. Make sure your parent doesn’t fall for their sweet talk. Make them aware of the risk of senior financial abuse. Explain to them that it is not wise to buy anything over the phone or from a stranger that comes knocking on their door. It is necessary they don’t reveal any credit card, banking, Social Security, Medicare or other personal information over the phone. Comfort Keepers elderly health care professionals of Walnut Creek, CA, recommend you inform your loved one about most popular frauds.

One of them is health insurance fraud and it comes in various forms. Con artist will offer your parent some kind of service and request their personal information. They will use the given data to bill Medicare, and, of course, put money in their pocket.

Make sure your senior doesn’t buy medications over the Internet. They can never know exactly what they are purchasing. Some meds won’t make them feel better, and some will even make them feel worse. They shouldn’t put their health at risk just so they could save a couple of dollars.

Some disreputable funeral homes target family members who are not familiar with the cost of a funeral. They scam them by adding unnecessary charges to the bill. Investment schemes are one of the most popular ways to take advantage of older adults. They range from infamous pyramid schemes to complex financial products.

Even with this knowledge your loved one can be scammed by a con artist. If that happens, make sure you cancel any debit or credit cards linked to the stolen account. For more information on how elderly health care professionals can keep an eye on your love one and help them prevent fraud please feel free to contact us.