Pleasant Hill, California
391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 574-8546
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391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, California 94523

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Senior Safety And Preparedness

Comfort Keepers In-Home Care in Pleasant Hill, California.

Make Emergency Preparedness Part Of Your Senior's At Home Care Plan In Walnut Creek, CA

An integral part of our program is educating families on the risks associated with at home care

At Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA we take the safety of your loved ones as seriously as you do. When it comes to providing at home care, our caregivers are among the finest in the nation. But even when your loved ones have a Comfort Keeper in their home, and you have time to check up them, there are still a number of risks you need to be aware of, and at the same time, you need to be prepared when things do go wrong.

Most seniors plan to spend the rest of their days living independently in their homes rather than a nursing home. Yet, statistics show that the majority of accidents and medical events occur when seniors are alone. They also seem to come at a time when the person is unable to reach a telephone, leaving them to struggle until someone arrives to find them. This is not a good situation as it can turn a simple accident into a major life-threatening event.

The safety of your loved ones also depends a lot of the condition of their home. Our at home care providers are trained to look for things like hoarding and piles of stuff that can lead to tripping hazards and bad accidents. They also look for things like clogged gutters that can lead to flooded basements or foundation cracks that can lead to expensive repairs if not tended to quickly. Our Comfort Keepers can also help with maintaining CO and smoke detectors.

Helping with Safety & Preparedness Education

Our mission here at Comfort Keepers we work with you, your loved ones, and the rest of your family and provide you with safety and preparedness training to ensure everyone is ready for the time when (not if) such an event occurs. We work with you to ensure your loved one can remain safely in their home for as long as they are able.

If you would like more information about Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA, our at home care programs, our safety and preparedness education, or our extensive library of informative articles, please contact us online anytime or give us a call at (925) 344-4159. Our phones are answered by skilled agents 24/7 who can answer your questions and then book your free in-home consultation to discuss your loved ones' needs.

Some of the Articles You Will Find Include:

Medication Safety – A number of articles that cover what to do with all the expired medications you are likely to find in your loved one's medicine cabinet.  

Natural Disaster Preparedness – A selection of articles filled with helpful information covering how to prepare for any kind of natural disaster.