Pleasant Hill, California
391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 574-8546
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Call (925) 574-8546 | 391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, California 94523
391 Taylor Blvd #210, Pleasant Hill, California 94523

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Senior Care Services in Orinda, CA

Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA provides senior care services to the residents of Orinda, CA and the surrounding communities.

Orinda is a beautiful small town where many seniors love to enjoy their well-earned retirement. Orinda was once ranked the ‘2nd Friendliest Town in America’ by Forbes. Comfort Keepers is proud to have helped the seniors by providing professional and compassionate senior care services.

Our Community

Orinda was once ranked the ‘2nd Friendliest Town in America’ by Forbes. Our clients love living in Orinda because of the friendly environment, and the community activities like the Orinda Film Festival, the annual Shakespeare Festival, and the July Fourth event that kicks off with a pancake breakfast. Orinda's many parks and trails also make it a destination for many Bay Area hikers and naturalists.

Comfort Keepers Care In Orinda, CA

Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA serves the residents of Orinda with senior care services that enable them to age in the comfort of their own home. Our goal is to keep our clients as safe and independent as possible all while giving their family member peace of mind. We do this by providing a variety of customizable care options to our clients and their families. A favorite feature for many families is the ability to access an online portal where they can see in real time what their loved one is doing with their caregiver. Family members are astounded by the care and love that our Comfort Keepers give their mother, father, or grandparent.

In addition to our outstanding caregivers who deliver companionship and personal care services, we also consult with our clients about ways to improve overall home safety. At Comfort Keepers we are dedicated to providing outstanding senior care and working with other healthcare professionals such as home health nurses, social workers, and doctors to provide clients with the best in home care possible.

Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA in the Orinda, CA Community

Our clients love living in Orinda because of the friendly environment, and the community activities like the Orinda Film Festival, the annual Shakespeare Festival, and the July Fourth event that kicks off with a pancake breakfast. Orinda's many parks and trails also make it a destination for many Bay Area hikers and naturalists.

Comfort Keepers of Walnut Creek, CA is a proud preferred service provider of the LaMorinda Village. The service providers of LaMorinda Village have been carefully screened. LaMorinda Village is a nonprofit organization made up of residents from Lafayette, Moraga, and Orinda. LaMorinda Village is a community of people who are committed to supporting each other in living full, vibrant lives as they age, which closely aligns to the mission of Comfort Keepers.

Contact Us Anytime To Learn More

If you or your loved one wants to stay in their home but needs additional help, contact Comfort Keepers by calling (925) 574-8546. A member of our staff is available 24 hours a day to answer your calls and schedule you a free in-home care consultation.