Join Comfort Keepers in San Diego, CA in Celebrates the National Day of Joy
It's time to take a deep breath and find some joy in our lives with Comfort Keepers Home Care in San Diego, CA
In June of 2019, Comfort Keepers joined several co-sponsors in creating the National Day of Joy, an event intended to get people to stop and find the joy in our lives. From the daily grind at work to raising our families and living alone in our golden years, our lives are often so focused on the negativity and stress, that we let it overwhelm us.
Depression is soaring in all age groups, but seniors who live alone often feel its effects more than any other age group. There are many advantages for seniors who choose to be independent and living at home. But a lack of companionship is perhaps the most significant disadvantage. When you lead a busy life that limits your time to spend with elderly loved ones, Comfort Keepers offers care at home plans that include a skilled and friendly caregiver.
Time for a Day Out
Seniors tend to spend more time sitting at home alone than is good for them. Many become depressed; this can have a very negative effect on both physical and mental well-being. As part of our care at home, our caregivers delight in being able to take those in their care out of the house for some fresh air and sunshine. The simple joy of feeling the sun has been found to relax and improve our overall outlook.
But the sun alone is only the beginning. What better way for your elderly loved one to bond with their caregiver than spending days at the local parks, maybe take in one of the many annual festivals in San Diego. Being out in the fresh air and the feelings of joy that come with it tend to boost our heart rate. In turn, this pumps more oxygen to our brains, which causes it to release more of the endorphins that elevate our feelings of joy and contentment.
What many of us fail to remember is that these joyful feelings and the resulting boost in oxygen levels help to improve physical and mental health. Whenever possible, our caregivers strive to keep the joy in their clients' lives with things like outings, engaging in hobbies together, reminiscing about the "good old days," and many other activities.
Joy Is Experienced Differently
During the National Day of Joy celebrations, we interviewed guests of different ages about the amount of joy in their lives. We found that the older you are, it seems the more joy there is in your life. Those adults under 29 sit at the bottom, while those over 60 sat at the top. Our senior clients' families tend to agree that they worry less when they know their loved one is in good hands and getting the most joy out of life possible.
As one of the top senior care at home providers in San Diego, CA and the surrounding areas, our caregivers work hard to improve their clients' overall quality of life. Our caregivers strive to provide loving companionship and often become a part of their clients' families. Our mission as senior caregivers is to help our seniors enjoy life more by helping them with finding the joy that might be missing from their daily lives.